Friday, November 04, 2005

From August

(Contemplating the city)

Searching for a place to live was lots of fun, as you can see James was thrilled. All kidding aside, the kids were great as we tried to figure out where we were going to live. They definitely had more energy and patience than we did.


Anonymous said...

OK, am I doing this right? Hi! This is Cindi. In a way, you are talking about a kind of grieving for your old way of life. It's difficult to imagine that it's not there anymore (like when someone dies). Don't be afraid to cherish those memories; they will fade all too soon. And go back to those memories in times of need; they will bring you comfort. You just went through a HUGE transition -- I admire you for keeping it all together!
I enjoyed talking to you today and hope you enjoy your "present".
Love and peace

Anonymous said...

Sam & Brian dear, after 20 years my time as an expat in Arabia is still fresh...sometimes I go out to my garden in New Jersey and smell the night and in a strange way the embrace of my Saudi home comes charging back. You never lose what you love.